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5th February 2007, 03:35 AM
the scumbag that did this today in great western road and f***d off.:mad::mad::mad:

had only parked the car for 15 minutes, I think its been a 4x4?

do people hath no consciences :(:( new bonnet i take it??



5th February 2007, 03:58 AM
what a pr**k that has done that and left

but any good body shop should be able 2 push it out and smoth it off for u !!!!

5th February 2007, 04:13 AM
Some people have no conscience, or perhaps just no driving skill to handle such a big vehicle!

I watched a person in a big 4x4 reverse into my car once at a supermarket, luckily no damage to my car but when I challenged them about it, they looked at me as if my wee car had no right to be there and that they had done nothing wrong. There was certainly no apology coming my way:mad:

I hope you get your car sorted quickly, I'm sure it will be just perfect once again.

5th February 2007, 04:16 AM
:mad:...wot a c*nto...i hate peeps like that!:dead:

5th February 2007, 04:36 AM
Dirty scumbag! I hope they breakdown in the middle of nowhere - at night!!

5th February 2007, 04:47 AM
That's p!sh Andy - hope it's not too expensive to sort! :(

5th February 2007, 04:56 AM
thanks for the words of sympathy!

need to shop around for a price, hopefully not new bonnet, although its pretty deep. :dead: grill is bent too :dead:

Im normally careful where i park, and not a single parking ding in 3 years, then this. Be on your guard people!! :p

AndyP & Lenore
5th February 2007, 04:57 AM
Andy, that's a real sh!te:mad:. I hate it when people do that and walk/drive off like it wasn't them. Many moons ago someone once scraped down the side of our Peugeot 205. We had a witness, who gave a statement and we called the police and they said they'd look into it, "once they'd solved all the murders and put all the drug dealers off the streets" or something helpful like that.

But please remember, not all 4x4 owners are devoid of conscience:I. If I'd done that, I'd have stuck a notice on your windscreen then gone straight to a cop-shop.


AndyP & Lenore
5th February 2007, 05:02 AM
Not that I'm defending 4x4 drivers, but I was looking at your pic and I was wondering if it was maybe more like the damage a pickup truck would cause. Maybe?


5th February 2007, 05:05 AM

not sure it was a 4x4, didnt notice when i got in the car, didnt notice any big vehicles close by, was when i got home i noticed it, and it was defo not there before i left as i'd checked oil n washers etc.

ah well, least the stone chips will get fixed now


5th February 2007, 05:38 AM
I can't see the pics, but, sounds nasty, gutted for ya :disapprove:

5th February 2007, 07:08 AM
Andy...I know exactly how you feel. The same thing kinda happened to me with my van on Friday, but I managed to find out who it was. I knew it was the school bus that wrecked my offside mirror...because of the red paint and amount of damage. It had to be a big vehicle.

Have you checked out if there's CCTV in that area?...asked shop keepers etc?

I had a gut feeling what had ripped my drivers mirror off and went to the Police. I went in with a certain attitude that made them aware I was going to follow this up on my own if they didn't! The police in my area are not all that interested in this kind of "hassle" I told them I was going straight to who I thought caused the damage. This I feel kinda forced them to follow it up.(which they did) It wasn't rocket science really...the van was left on a street that i feel a double decker shouldn't be using between 1.30pm and 3.45pm. Its a quiet street and the only big vehicle that normally uses that street between those hours is the school bus. On numerous occasions....I have come out to my mirror being folded in. I have also written a letter to my local MSP pointing out this is the second mirror to be damaged in the matter of months and I think school kids are in danger from the gridlock etc caused by the bus and the cars on the school run on these narrow streets recently adopted by the bus company.

I went to the bus company. I told them no one had seen the incident but the police had told me they were going to knock on some doors in the street and if someone did see the incident, I would be forced to take the matter further.

I was lucky...the supervisor i met at the bus company said he would personally check the bus on that route and get back to me. He did...and gave me the bus details. I was right...severe damage to the rear side panel of the bus.

I will follow this up tomorrow.

Funny thing is...I had just changed my insurance company for that vehicle that day.



5th February 2007, 08:08 AM
report it to the local Polis in the area where you were. As Mark says, there may be CCTV that has caught it.

Hope the scumbag gets his cumuppence...;)

5th February 2007, 08:29 AM
was on great western rd, glasgow, town end.

The billy boppers would just laugh if I went down asking them to get cctv footage :eek:

just need to put it down to experience! :evil:

6th February 2007, 05:03 AM
Gutted ..... :(


6th February 2007, 07:22 AM
oh dear ..what ass would do that !!?

6th February 2007, 07:23 AM
hope you find them and give them a big :blackeye::blackeye::blackeye::blackeye:

6th February 2007, 07:51 AM
Feck em , where's me gun !!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::blackeye::blackeye::blackeye:

We'll send the lads round (at 5am) once the CCTV has been found for a wee chat :approve: if you know what I mean ;)