View Full Version : Evening Telegraph report on Orcas in Forth

AndyP & Lenore
1st February 2007, 04:39 AM
Was having a look at some news articles on the pod of Orca's which have moved into the Forth estuary recently. I found this article from the Evening Telegraph, a Dundee paper.

I've highlighted the bits that had me almost bent double with laughter. I know my command of English isn't that good, but you'd think The Evening Telegraph would have a spell checker button, and you'd think they would proof-read something before it goes to print. Global-warning!!!:eek::D

Alert as killer whale spotted in Forth

A far-travelled killer whale has spent the last few days cruising the Forth snacking on the estuary’s seal population (writes Stewart Ross).
Fife Constabualry were alerted by maintenance men working on the rail bridge, who were concerned that, should they fall, the Orca would eat them.

“Evidently one of the crew of a safety boat got within five metres of the whale,” said wildlife liaison officer Mark Maylan.

“They say they have actually seen it swimming about and eating the seals.

“It was last seen this afternoon off Hound Point (near Dalmeny) and there has been a noticeable drop in the seal population recently.”

PC Maylan, who is in contact with the SSPCA, said the whale would only become an issue if it were to fall ill and run ground.

He did, however, advise people not to take to the water in an effort to glimpse the animal.

Natalie Smart of the SSPCA said, “We’re interested in finding out more about this whale. If it is sick or injured we would co-ordinate a rescue operation but if it’s all right we would urge people to leave it alone and it’ll probably move off in its own time.”

Natalie added that for an Orca to be in the Forth was “very unusual” and said she could not rule out a global-warning connection.

Orcas are sociable and usually travel in groups. Although not unknown off the Scottish coast, they are rare but are not regarded as a threat to humans.

And someone needs to pull the engineer aside and assure him if he fell into the Forth - in January! - the last thing he needs to be worried about is being eaten alive by an Orca!:eek::D;)


1st February 2007, 05:17 AM
Good grief..

I better point my mum in the direction of this story.. she works for DC Thomson, and I'm sure if she hasn't seen the story it'll be amusing round her offices! :D:D

1st February 2007, 08:06 AM
Here.. I just noticed Mr Grammar Nazi..

Have a look at the tread title and remind me about apostrophes? ;);):p:p:p:D

1st February 2007, 08:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
Have a look at the tread title and remind me about apostrophes? ;);):p:p:p:DWhilst we are checking spelling and grammar, what tread thread are we talking about :p

AndyP & Lenore
1st February 2007, 08:46 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
Have a look at the tread title and remind me about apostrophes? ;);):p:p:p:DWhilst we are checking spelling and grammar, what tread thread are we talking about :p

ROFLMAO.:D:D Quality.:D:D

quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Here.. I just noticed Mr Grammar Nazi..

Have a look at the tread title and remind me about apostrophes? ;);):p:p:p:D



1st February 2007, 09:07 AM
Doh... that's what I get! :I:D:D:D

2nd February 2007, 04:33 AM
What were you doing swimming at this time of the year in The Forth anyway :p:D;)