View Full Version : Internet Explorer 7

14th January 2007, 06:46 PM
Downloaded the new version a few weeks ago and much prefered it to the old version.

T'internet packed up last night and I phoned Tiscali today and the new version is not compatible with Windows XP:question::question::question::question: What is that all about:question:

Anyone had the same problem?

14th January 2007, 06:58 PM
they are talking pi$h...

I have IE7 and am also on Tiscali and I don't have any problems... think it was their way of getting you off the phone...;)

14th January 2007, 08:46 PM
I hate isp call centres they always talk out there arses just to get people off the phone.
Most of the people working on them seem to know how to reboot a computer and not much else.

AndyP & Lenore
14th January 2007, 11:56 PM
Jason thats absolute bollocks. Call them back and insist on speaking to a supervisor.:evil:


15th January 2007, 12:08 AM
Tiscali are a waste of time :dead::( ..... now with Pipex and not had a single problem :approve:

15th January 2007, 01:27 AM
quote:Originally posted by PACMAN

Tiscali are a waste of time :dead::( ..... now with Pipex and not had a single problem :approve:

I know of some people who have had problems, but I must be one of the lucky ones... not really had any problems in over 8 years.. The only problem I did have, was when I had pay monthly dial up, it stopped working (it used CLI). Spent hours on the phone blaming tiscali, they must have changed some settings at their end.... In the end, it turned out that BT had changed my phone number by mistake (local BT Engineer had un-patched the wrong pair at the local exhange!) Good Old BT - don't you just love them....NOT! :evil:

15th January 2007, 02:01 PM
IE7 keeps freezing and locking up on my home PC, main cause is when i click on a link from a tabbed page and it opens a new browser, when i close that browser down the original IE7 freezes and locks up the PC :disapprove:
If it don't improve soon i'll be removing it