View Full Version : new private reg

12th January 2007, 11:46 PM
well gone & done it phoned dvla today & bought this for £399 cco7ers whith a big feck off screw on the 2nd c ive got cooper s for my new cooper s rollon the 1st march

13th January 2007, 12:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

well gone & done it phoned dvla today & bought this for £399 cco7ers whith a big feck off screw on the 2nd c ive got cooper s for my new cooper s rollon the 1st march

Don't do it.

1. Its illegal
2. It looks chavvy
3. Me no likey people playing with plates :p

The Bull
13th January 2007, 12:58 AM
Yeah, just leave it standard it has more class. Anyone with a brain will work out what it's meant to be.

13th January 2007, 01:48 AM

well done for getting the plate, but as others have said, be aware that it is illegal and will most likely end in a fine (and a report gets sent to the DVLA which could mean that you get fined by them or worse still loose you plate altogether).

just keep it the same..

13th January 2007, 03:15 AM
I'm with everyone else, don't do it, besides, it'll make it look more like coolers :disapprove:

13th January 2007, 04:44 AM
I would have to agree with all of the afore mentioned. It looks total chav, (most suited on an old nova that kind of thing)

13th January 2007, 09:14 AM
Whit are you all fae Manchester. Don't you mean ned:question:

13th January 2007, 09:17 AM
ok i'll be blunt...DINNAE BE A F*CKIN GADGIE.....leave it how it ment tae be!;)....u dinnae want a nova/pug boy car!