View Full Version : Wheel Spacers

3rd January 2007, 07:11 AM
I have 18" R95 JCW wheels with the restrictor fitted.

I'm wondering what thickness of wheel spacer looks good on the MINI. I'm not wanting it to look like a "pimp my ride" corsa.

What is legal...and what is nice looking?

Any pics?


james f
3rd January 2007, 08:47 AM
as long as the wheel dosent clear the arch i think (this is what a mate told me so im not even 50% sure on how true it is) but 5mm is a good compramise as it wont put any undue pressure on the blots or hubs form what lohen told me as thats what they have on their show car

3rd January 2007, 08:59 AM
This is what I remember as being legal whan I was 18...wondered if that was still the case...

5mm a side doesn't seem like much...but Lohen's advice is worth considering.


3rd January 2007, 10:37 AM
hi vintage i was thinking of putting spacers on any idea where to get them

5th January 2007, 12:09 AM
I'm not convinced on wheel spacers ... they put extra pull/stress on the bolts etc, try this link below for

wheelspacers (http://www.livermoreperformance.com/mini_wheel_spacers.html) Tony

5th January 2007, 07:02 PM
quote:Originally posted by minimad

hi vintage i was thinking of putting spacers on any idea where to get them

Hi minimad...

There's loads of places sell them...X30YES's link shows how you should measure what you need. This link is to a US company...if you don't like dealing Stateside...there's plenty UK companies that sell them

6th January 2007, 09:27 AM
cheers mate:D

james f
6th January 2007, 06:20 PM
why not use our discount as www.lohen.co.uk who are our sponsors sell em :)