View Full Version : MacBook from the US

29th December 2006, 09:15 AM
What issues will I have if i buy my macbook from the US? I've found something stunning but it's only available in the US.

Mark R
29th December 2006, 09:31 AM
No technical support or AppleCare, well I think you will get that actually since it's a laptop. Might cost you a little though should you need it.

Other than that you will need to get the UK adaptor for the power plug. It's really not a big deal where you buy that kind of thing. Just watch out for import tax.

29th December 2006, 09:34 AM
Cool. Also will it be possible to set the DVD player to Region 2 when it arrives here? I heard that it's possible to change the region a DVD player works with a set number of times?

29th December 2006, 09:56 AM

29th December 2006, 09:05 PM
You can change the Region Coding of the DVD Drive 4 times before it is locked. At least that is the official story - there are ways to reset the counter so you can change it an infinite amount of times. Do a google search if you need to do this or let me know and I'll point you in the right direction. What are you thinking of getting KJ?

29th December 2006, 10:41 PM
Applecare is worldwide...doesn't matter where you buy it...I know...cause I have had to use it.

Region code can be changed 4 times as stated...

Best place I found was a place in Portland http://www.powermax.com/

Guy I used was Gary at PowerMax..he was on the case

Oregan is a tax free state...They will sell out of state tax free...so I had a Mac made to spec (maxed out on Ram and harddrive etc)...and sent to my mate in NYC. I then picked it up when I did a gig in NYC. Sweet deal...£2000 Macbook Pro for £1400..

If I can help...give me a shout KJ...


30th December 2006, 02:28 AM
Thanks peeps. I've ordered a custom MacBook 13inch with 1 gig ram and 120gig HD... Core 2 Duo from a place called Colorware. Do a google search and you'll see what they are all about. Some of their work is absolutely stunning and I fancied something a bit different.


I went for the Prowler paint job.

Sorry still don't know how to post links on this board. lol.

Mark, what sort of power adapter did you need for your American macbook? Is it portable? I've seen power adapters that look like power supplies in their own right so i'd be looking for something small and compact because ideally this is going to be my work / freelance machine.


Monsta Mo Mini
30th December 2006, 05:02 AM
If you're out to save a few quid...Apple have an 'Education' shop - they don't check!;)

30th December 2006, 05:53 AM
I saw that too. lol. Apparently they check randomly, worth a try if you're thinking of buying one.

30th December 2006, 06:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

Mark, what sort of power adapter did you need for your American macbook? Is it portable? I've seen power adapters that look like power supplies in their own right so i'd be looking for something small and compact because ideally this is going to be my work / freelance machine.



The Apple power supply usually comes with two connectors when you buy state side at least. (actually I remember that the UK version is the same) One connector has a long cable that terminates in a grounded US plug (three pin). The other is two pin and is a stub connector. Both these connectors simply click into the power supply brick. Its the same as an iPod power supply if you have one.

You can simply cut off the three pin US style plug and fit a UK plug (remember to fit a 3 amp fuse!!!!) But...it means that you have a long cable hanging out of the power supply all the time :( Maybe handy for home....but a pain elsewhere....although in some hotels they don't leave enough sapce underneath the power outlet for the Apple pwoer supply....so that long cable can be handy.

I bought a kit of connectors that work worldwide...and swap out as and where I am. I think it cost about £35.00.

I like my new MacbookPro....but loved the battery life on my old G4 12" Powerbook better. Only needed charged every four hours!!!

Come on Apple...get battery life sorted out for the new machines!!!!


30th December 2006, 06:33 PM
Travel Kit (http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore.woa/61024042/wa/PSLID?mco=163FB4A6&nplm=M8794&wosid=y6tMc5rKCDVv2jhm5hE2Clrw0dd)

here it is!
