View Full Version : Apple Mac Pro help Fiona Thread.

23rd December 2006, 08:10 AM
where in the Stirling area can you go to buy a Laptop.?? if anywhere do they have alot of choice.


do I got through and get it or not.????

Should I do it.????

this is the one I want


what do you mac people think.???

will it thingy with my new BT Hub.????

23rd December 2006, 08:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

where in the Stirling area can you go to buy a Laptop.?? if anywhere do they have alot of choice.

Fi...cross the line and buy a Mac...

Will be the best £750 on a laptop you ever spend...and you can put XP on it if you want to as well. (White Macbook)

A Mac will work fine (better actually) on a PC network...and you can share files easily with any PC user.

I'm on my second Mac laptop...I have a Macbook Pro now and glad I crossed over.

I got sick of the whole XP PC thing after Kim had her identity stolen and two guys bought a house in Stoke on Trent...and had three other loans out on her name. She was up to date with all malware stuff and virus stuff on her PC as well.

I use internet banking for both my businesses...and just couldn't risk any problems.

I have no virus or malware stuff running on my Mac...and have no problems.

Hope this doesn't raise the whole Mac v's PC thing here....not my aim here.

I still have three PC's running stand alone applications and they work fine...but don't go online

I have pointed all my friends toward Mac's...and their transition, like mine, was flawless.

I have a 20" Apple Cinema display, a Apple Keyboard and a logitech mouse. I get home plug the laptop in...and it becomes a desktop machine. I go on tour...and I have the same machine and information with me..but its then used as a laptop.

There's a new OS coming soon for the Mac (Leopard). Its going to be even bettr than Tiger...and there are rumours flying about the that you won't need windows XP....you simply load and XP program straight in...and it will work on emulation as fast as a XP machine.

PC World sells Macs….

Things I don’t like about the new Macbook’s

1. Poorer battery life than the G4 laptops....but still not all that bad
2. You don’t get a 12” Macbook Pro. I loved my 12” G4!

Hope this helps…


23rd December 2006, 09:03 AM
I'll 2nd that vintageb3..

at the moment you can download Bootcamp from the Apple website, then install Windows, simply hold down the ctrl key at start up and you have a windows PC, restart and its a Mac. But the new OS Leopard has this built in.

I've even managed to convert 2 diehard PC IT guys from works over to Macs, anyone who makes the switch never goes back.

I'd love a black Macbook to go with my 20" iMac G5, and my kids G3 iMac

23rd December 2006, 09:11 AM
quote:Originally posted by OBN

I'll 2nd that vintageb3..

at the moment you can download Bootcamp from the Apple website, then install Windows, simply hold down the ctrl key at start up and you have a windows PC, restart and its a Mac. But the new OS Leopard has this built in.

I've even managed to convert 2 diehard PC IT guys from works over to Macs, anyone who makes the switch never goes back.

I'd love a black Macbook to go with my 20" iMac G5, and my kids G3 iMac


I have bootcamp installed...and have XP running on a second partition.

To be honest I never use the XP on this Mac...after about three days on a Mac....you wouldn't want to go back as you say.

Hope this doesn't turn into a PC v's Mac thing though...each to their own


23rd December 2006, 02:02 PM
im typing this message on my new laptop from pc world. great service, massice selection (aberdeen branch) and a good after sales service. I never used to rate pc world but at the end of the day, if pc world have the s[ec you want at a good proce, go for it.

23rd December 2006, 05:45 PM
Fi, i have bought at least 4 laptops from PC World, never had any problems.
One thing i did notice was that you can almost always get the online price in the store ;) can often be as much as £100 in your pocket.
Providing you know exactly what you want the laptop for and are honest with yourself you'll get what you need.
By being honest with yourself ;) i mean, things like, if you wanna play games make sure the thing is up to it, plenty ram and a dedicated graphics card are essential :p
A Mac is also another option :eek:
Don't be fooled by Curries and Comet, i'm pretty sure they are just a high street outlet for PC World anyway, plus they are more expensive.

23rd December 2006, 06:57 PM

if it's purely stirling your shopping in for your laptop, none of the other shops will compete with PC World. I'm not a huge fan of them, however if you know what yout want, then you can normally get a really good price.

Give me a shout if you want any advice..;)

23rd December 2006, 07:25 PM
Im not very computer literate but we recently bought a top spec Packard Bell (Dual Core thingy) PC from PC World in Springkerse Stirling, the guys were really helpful and we got £100 quid off the price of the PC. Great PC!

Im sure they have a really good selection of Laptops too.

23rd December 2006, 08:29 PM
Don't be fooled by Curries and Comet, i'm pretty sure they are just a high street outlet for PC World anyway, plus they are more expensive.

;) Spot on... well nearly..
Pc World, Dixons, Currys, The Link.. all the same company. Comet are part of a different retail group however. ;):D:p

24th December 2006, 02:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude


if it's purely stirling your shopping in for your laptop, none of the other shops will compete with PC World. I'm not a huge fan of them, however if you know what yout want, then you can normally get a really good price.

Give me a shout if you want any advice..;)

Craig I am looking for a INTEL CORE 2 DUO

Processor of 2.00GHz or more

Screen 15" or 17"

loads a RAM

120 to 200 GB Hard Drive

Not wanting Toshiba Sony Acer or Packard Bell

Yess I would buy a MAC but when I decide to buy a new LAptop I like to be able to go to a store and they actually have them in stock you can NEVER get a MAC in any of the stores I go to either in Stirling or Inverness.

24th December 2006, 04:21 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude


if it's purely stirling your shopping in for your laptop, none of the other shops will compete with PC World. I'm not a huge fan of them, however if you know what yout want, then you can normally get a really good price.

Give me a shout if you want any advice..;)

Craig I am looking for a INTEL CORE 2 DUO

Processor of 2.00GHz or more

Screen 15" or 17"

loads a RAM

120 to 200 GB Hard Drive

Not wanting Toshiba Sony Acer or Packard Bell

Yess I would buy a MAC but when I decide to buy a new LAptop I like to be able to go to a store and they actually have them in stock you can NEVER get a MAC in any of the stores I go to either in Stirling or Inverness.

Will speak to you tommorrow...

what do you think of DELL ??

I use them at work and they take some punishment and work great.


2GHZ Processor
2 GB Ram
15.4" Widescreen
8 Speed DVDRW
160GB Hard Drive
128MB Graphics card

£750 inc VAT and DEL...:D

24th December 2006, 04:55 AM
my works Laptop is Dell but it is always docked.:D

Other than that never really thought about them.

My main want is the INTEL CORE 2 DUO got to be the 2.

was thinking maybe HP.??

just really want to something ultra cool looking.

was in at PC world today and looked at the HP the one I liked had a web cam built in to the lid didn't like that. I'm not paying over the odds for something I wouldn't use.

Also need a decent surround at the bottom of the keypad for me to rest my wrists on. 26 years off using either a type writer or keyboard my wrists are knackerd.

24th December 2006, 08:37 AM
I've always been a hardcore PC user, but since i've been working with the agency i've started to come around to the Mac and i'm thinking of getting the black mac book. I reckon you should go for it.

24th December 2006, 09:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

where in the Stirling area can you go to buy a Laptop.?? if anywhere do they have alot of choice.


do I got through and get it or not.????

Should I do it.????

this is the one I want


what do you mac people think.???

will it thingy with my new BT Hub.????

Its what I have Fi...

Its probably overkill for office needs....but if its the one you want...you can't go wrong really.

I still recommend the White Macbook.

It will work better on the network...and be able to access your PC to grab files.

Have to dash...but will email you later...


24th December 2006, 09:08 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

I've always been a hardcore PC user, but since i've been working with the agency i've started to come around to the Mac and i'm thinking of getting the black mac book. I reckon you should go for it.

I was Totally PC hardcore...I used to build them every other week...and now don't miss the hours spent trying to get everything to work (and I knew what I was doing) DLL"s!!!! GRRRR

I find myself holding my mouth shut when a PC user asks "How did you get that to work?"

Its hard not to say "Its just works!"

But there are simple reasons for this. I think we ask far too much from a XP machine...and Apple have better control of what goes into their machines. I mean...how many sound cards can you get for an XP machine? Probably more than 100 cards...and we expect XP to deal with them. Apple only offer support for a small amount of cards...so they can get everything to work.


24th December 2006, 09:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by Craig & Jude


if it's purely stirling your shopping in for your laptop, none of the other shops will compete with PC World. I'm not a huge fan of them, however if you know what yout want, then you can normally get a really good price.

Give me a shout if you want any advice..;)

Craig I am looking for a INTEL CORE 2 DUO

Processor of 2.00GHz or more

Screen 15" or 17"

loads a RAM

120 to 200 GB Hard Drive

Not wanting Toshiba Sony Acer or Packard Bell

Yess I would buy a MAC but when I decide to buy a new LAptop I like to be able to go to a store and they actually have them in stock you can NEVER get a MAC in any of the stores I go to either in Stirling or Inverness.

Apple have plans for a store in Glasgow...and every other major city will follow in the next five to ten years.

It is annoying you can't get your hands on what you want to buy.

I bought mine in the US unseen...had it shipped from Portland to L.A. last time I was over...and saved the sales tax :)

£2000 spec machine for £1600 :)


24th December 2006, 09:51 PM
macs are so overpriced premium price for an out ofdate product remember in 18months it will be obsolete

24th December 2006, 10:33 PM
in 18 months ANY computer you buy will be obsolete. It'll be obsolete within 6 months most likely!

(saying that i'd still never buy a mac :p)

24th December 2006, 10:41 PM
The planning permission has been applied for by Apple for the store in Buchanan street in Glasgow. There's always Scotsys (I'm sure they have a branch in Edinburgh). Other than that I'd buy a Mac from John Lewis (2 yr guarantee) or if you want a custom spec then the Apple Website is the only way to go. Bear in mind that if you know anyone in full time education (student, teacher or leacturer) then you can get a discount from the Apple Website. Just look for the education link on the home page of the store.

24th December 2006, 10:42 PM
Oh and no problems at all with the Mac using the BT home hub

25th December 2006, 12:09 AM
John Lewis will always price match if you find it online to somewhere with a store (Empire Direct counts as a store - my Dad did this with his new TV after i told him to and had no problem)

25th December 2006, 12:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by deerslayer

macs are so overpriced premium price for an out ofdate product remember in 18months it will be obsolete

Hi Deerslayer...yes this very true...and true of any computer actually. EVERY PRODUCT by the time it reaches the shelf is obsolete...as the design team has almost got the next design into its final stage.

But to be honest the point of view of a Mac being an outdated product against the PC is in itself an out of date point of view.

Mac's today are on at least par with PC...and in some aspects...;eaps and bounds ahead.

IMHO...When you buy a Mac...what makes it better than a XP PC is the operating system. OS X is by far a better operating system than XP or even Vista (XP with a facelift). I have used all three OS's and OS X still comes out on top. I was a Windows user since 3.1 remember...

I used to be one of the "I won't be buying a Mac" XP guys....but not anymore

As I have said "each to thier own" If you like working with a PC....use and buy a PC...then go and load all the virus and malware stuff on it before you think about going online.


25th December 2006, 02:14 AM
got my Mac. not bad but early days. need to get use to the keyboard. where is the delete key.??? and how do I make the web page I am looking at bigger i know clicking the green button makes it a bit bigger but I want it wider.???

setting it up was easy with the home hub once I realised I had to put a dollar sign before my wireless number.!!!!

oh and how do I copy and paste.???

25th December 2006, 02:46 AM
now manage to get the screen size ok.

what about directional arrows??

25th December 2006, 02:58 AM
computer geek required fi

25th December 2006, 04:06 AM
for all you mac guys.

If I have itunes on my PC how can I get all my songs on that into my library on my itunes in my new Mac.

james f
25th December 2006, 04:12 AM
on the copy and paste its the apple key (works like the cntrl key on pc's and in smae place) i tunes not so sure about

25th December 2006, 04:19 AM
on the copy and paste its the apple key (works like the cntrl key on pc's and in smae place) i tunes not so sure about

ta works thanks.

25th December 2006, 04:44 AM
quote:Originally posted by vintageb3

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

where in the Stirling area can you go to buy a Laptop.?? if anywhere do they have alot of choice.

Fi...cross the line and buy a Mac...

Will be the best £750 on a laptop you ever spend...and you can put XP on it if you want to as well. (White Macbook)

Windows will work on any intel based mac

A Mac will work fine (better actually) on a PC network...and you can share files easily with any PC user.

in my experience thats false. If anything both work as good as each other, it really depends on network settings and your own security settings as well as the software on the machine

I'm on my second Mac laptop...I have a Macbook Pro now and glad I crossed over.

I got sick of the whole XP PC thing after Kim had her identity stolen and two guys bought a house in Stoke on Trent...and had three other loans out on her name. She was up to date with all malware stuff and virus stuff on her PC as well.

XP doesn't provide common sense, you're meant to provide that yourself. Placing your trust in a machine to protect you from identity theft is like handing out your identity to strangers in the street.
I use internet banking for both my businesses...and just couldn't risk any problems.

I've been internet banking on a PC for the past few years on a Windows laptop without any problems either.

I have no virus or malware stuff running on my Mac...and have no problems.

No viruses on my machine either and it's windows based. This has always been the case

Hope this doesn't raise the whole Mac v's PC thing here....not my aim here.

I still have three PC's running stand alone applications and they work fine...but don't go online

I have pointed all my friends toward Mac's...and their transition, like mine, was flawless.

I have a 20" Apple Cinema display, a Apple Keyboard and a logitech mouse. I get home plug the laptop in...and it becomes a desktop machine. I go on tour...and I have the same machine and information with me..but its then used as a laptop.

There's a new OS coming soon for the Mac (Leopard). Its going to be even bettr than Tiger...and there are rumours flying about the that you won't need windows XP....you simply load and XP program straight in...and it will work on emulation as fast as a XP machine.

PC World sells Macs….

Things I don’t like about the new Macbook’s

1. Poorer battery life than the G4 laptops....but still not all that bad
2. You don’t get a 12” Macbook Pro. I loved my 12” G4!

Hope this helps…


I think it's important that macs are not sold on arguments like this because generally these ar

25th December 2006, 05:08 AM
got a question.

see how I am used to windows and having like norton etc etc etc

is there anything I should be getting like that for my mac????

25th December 2006, 05:09 AM
by the way it is super quick with the core 2 duo processor

AndyP & Lenore
25th December 2006, 05:27 AM
Which model did you get Fi?


25th December 2006, 05:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

Which model did you get Fi?



25th December 2006, 05:36 AM
my question so far.

itunes how do I get my library on the PC over here to the mac.

do I need any extra secuirty

can you explaon bootcamp more and what exactly I need to do.??? step by step would be good.

p.s. the thing I like best is when you minimise the web page how cool is that.:cool:

25th December 2006, 05:38 AM
Fi don't worry about Norton Mac OSX has its very own firewal built in...

Go to System Preferences (under the Apple icon top left of screen)

The click on Sharing listed in the Internet and Network row, then you'll se a tab for Firewall, just make sure its on. Oh and if you want ur PC to connect to the Mac then tick the check box to allow Windows sharing (this probs the best route to get ur MP3 from your PC)

25th December 2006, 05:44 AM
quote:Originally posted by OBN

Fi don't worry about Norton Mac OSX has its very own firewal built in...

Go to System Preferences (under the Apple icon top left of screen)

The click on Sharing listed in the Internet and Network row, then you'll se a tab for Firewall, just make sure its on. Oh and if you want ur PC to connect to the Mac then tick the check box to allow Windows sharing (this probs the best route to get ur MP3 from your PC)



so what about this bootcamp then.?? do I need a copy of windows XP as well

25th December 2006, 05:49 AM
Yeah you'll need a copy of XP

Bootcamp (http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/bootcamp.html)

25th December 2006, 05:51 AM
ok ta should have one from my other laptop will that be ok

25th December 2006, 05:55 AM
Have fun, and if you every get bored you can always work in negative...

press - ctrl, alt, ? & 8, same again switches it back

25th December 2006, 05:56 AM
Damn this site can't display the wee apple symbol

should be..


ctrl, alt, apple key , and 8

25th December 2006, 05:59 AM
Fi, before u do anything else, go to system preferences, click on software update in the system row and click check now. Do this regularly as Apple are always releasing updates

25th December 2006, 07:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

my question so far.

itunes how do I get my library on the PC over here to the mac.

do I need any extra secuirty

can you explaon bootcamp more and what exactly I need to do.??? step by step would be good.

p.s. the thing I like best is when you minimise the web page how cool is that.:cool:

Hi Fi...

OK Bootcamp. download it from the Apple site.

You will need a bona fide copy of XP with SP2 on it. You cannot use an XP disc with SP1 then upgrade.

It is also can't use a restoration disk from say a Packard Bell PC...it has to be a XP disc bought and paid for.

If you have the right XP disk on hand...its a breeze. Just run Bootcamp...and choose how much sapce you want to assign to XP (I recommend 10-15 gig as you honestly won't use it that often....and then less and less)

iTunes: Well if you turn sharing "on" for the hardrives of your PC...You should be able to access your PC over your network. You will notice a netwrok icon in your Hardrive window. It takes a minute or two for the Mac and the PC to hook up...andf then you can access your drives on the PC. You should just be able to go to your itunes folder on your PC...and drag the music folders into the iTunes folder on your Mac. Then if you open up iTunes on your Mac...use the add to library function to get your libaray into iTunes.

Actaully iTunes and getting email on from an old PC are the omly two tricky things about the transistion. Everything else actually is the very same as a PC.

You will have to turn on Personal and maybe Windows sharing in System preferences.

It may be easier to use a Cat 5 cable between the PC and the Mac for this at this point.

As OBN has said....there is a built in firewall...I don't even have mine switched on when I'm at home...as I'm behind a router firewall anyway.

PM on the way


25th December 2006, 07:42 AM
Ok well i'm thinking I will not bother with the wondows application on my mac.

One thing I notice is it seems more difficult to save a picture and then upload it into photobucket. this could just be me not knowing yet what I am fully doing. Just seems easier to do in windows.

25th December 2006, 07:47 AM
It'll take you a while to make the transition. It took me two weeks.

28th December 2006, 04:36 AM
4 days since I've had my Apple and yes I can understand why people like these things.

How easy was it to hook up to my wireless here at Inverness.


now I just need figure out how to get my itunes stuff from my PC to my Apple.

I like when you put the cursor to the top left corner how it then splits into several screens:cool:

28th December 2006, 06:11 AM
YOu could always try holdind down the 'shift' key and pressing f9 or f10 or even f11 or even if you really get into the swing of things hold down the shift key when you minimize a window

28th December 2006, 06:14 AM
quote:Originally posted by OBN

YOu could always try holdind down the 'shift' key and pressing f9 or f10 or even f11 or even if you really get into the swing of things hold down the shift key when you minimize a window

nothing happened for f9 or f10. ????:clown:

28th December 2006, 06:16 AM
also how do I get several session of the internet open all at the same time.

only manged to do this when I have clicked on links.???

28th December 2006, 06:27 AM
You need a few applications running at the same time for the benefits of f9 and f10. If you want a new internet window open simply press the Apple key and N

28th December 2006, 06:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by OBN

You need a few applications running at the same time for the benefits of f9 and f10. If you want a new internet window open simply press the Apple key and N

coll that worked.

now on to this f9 f10 thing can't get them to do a thing and have opened a few applications.

what am I doing wrong.?????

28th December 2006, 07:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by OBN

You need a few applications running at the same time for the benefits of f9 and f10. If you want a new internet window open simply press the Apple key and N

coll that worked.

now on to this f9 f10 thing can't get them to do a thing and have opened a few applications.

what am I doing wrong.?????

Yes...you have to have a few applications open...and NOT minimized into the dock...

Also....if you have a few applications open...and need to get to one quick...hold the Apple Key and hit the tabs key. Again the apps have to on the desktop and not minimized...but hitting the tabs key repeatedly will scroll you through the apps.

Not a big one for using key shortcuts...I was on a PC too long :)..its an old dog new tricks thing.

28th December 2006, 07:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by OBN

You need a few applications running at the same time for the benefits of f9 and f10. If you want a new internet window open simply press the Apple key and N

Or you could simply go to File>New Window.

Apple N is fast though.

Apple N will open up a new finder window in Finder (funnily enough) Finder is just Explorer on a PC.


28th December 2006, 08:19 AM
The next thing you should know about is Spotlight.

IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

Considering I'm a klutz...not very good at organizing folders etc...this app blows me away

Spotlight is found at the top right hand corner.

OK...so lets say you have had your mac a few months or a year or so...and your address book is full...you have invoices...documents...pictures...music all loaded on there.

Below is long winded story...but it shows how good spotlight is...

I recently had to find a phone number for someone and spotlight found the number within seconds...and here's how....without me remembering that persons name.

About three years ago I worked for this one family. I fitted a kitchen for the sister...and a bathroom and kitchen for the brother.

I got back to the workshop one day and found a message on the answer machine from the sister. She did not leave her name...or her phone number (Hi Mark...It's me...") she said. Typically very helpful!

So I sat and tried to remember her name or her brothers...and couldn't :( So I tried to remember what I had done for them...and the thing that I did remember was the pain in the ass whirlpool bath that the brother had bought. He had bought it from Wickes a month before we started the job...and when we unpacked it...the bath had a huge chip on it. We left it half unpacked...and called the guy at his work. He trusted us...and believed that we didn't damage the bath (we didn't)...so he called Wickes...and was told because it was 31 days ago...it was not covered by their insurance. He went mental at them....but didn't get any satisfaction. Anyway...we fitted the bath...and I got someone to come out and do a repair to the bath....and in the end he was happy.

So Spotlight: because I had entered the brothers name in address book and wrote in the comments that this was the "damaged bath from hell job" AND mentioned his sisters name...all I put into spotlight was "damaged bath" and up popped the brothers name...his sisters name (and her address card)...the excel sheets for the job....the time sheets...the invoices and photographs of the finished bathroom.

And it also came up with an album of tracks recorded by his band about ten years ago that I ripped into iTunes...and had called the album "Brian's band"

I was blown away!


28th December 2006, 08:30 AM
And another Fi...


On the file menu..go to View>Customise address bar you can add a handy little thing called "Text size"

All you do is drag the icon in that window...up to your address bar in Safari.

If you are on a web page...and the writing is too small...you can increase the font size so you can read it easily from a comfortable seated position. It means that you can keep the resolution of the screen way up...but read very small writing easliy.

I use it on NMS all the time.

Also...whilst writing a reply on NMS...you can right click (remember two fingers on the track pad and click) on a word...and it will spellcheck for you. This works in every program.

I nvr usse it thooh



28th December 2006, 08:42 AM
In safari if you're up to no good, go to file Safari menu and select Private Browsing — Once you close safari, the history and any searches you've done in the built-in google search will not be saved, plus it'll empty the Cache

28th December 2006, 08:43 AM
Could be useful (http://www.acquisitionx.com/unregistered.php)

If you're into that sort of thing.

29th December 2006, 06:31 AM
ok done and checked etc etc thanks guys.

now next question.

how come when I click to enter a smilie it works fine like this ;) but my cursor is always at the beginning of the smilie so when i want to enter more text I have to move the cursor along.:(

sometimes it even puts the smilies on the next line down.

29th December 2006, 06:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

ok done and checked etc etc thanks guys.

now next question.

how come when I click to enter a smilie it works fine like this ;) but my cursor is always at the beginning of the smilie so when i want to enter more text I have to move the cursor along.:(

sometimes it even puts the smilies on the next line down.

It happens to me too....but only on NMS :cool:


I just changed format mode on the NMS reply box to prompt from basic

Solve your problem????:D

29th December 2006, 06:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by vintageb3

quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

ok done and checked etc etc thanks guys.

now next question.

how come when I click to enter a smilie it works fine like this ;) but my cursor is always at the beginning of the smilie so when i want to enter more text I have to move the cursor along.:(

sometimes it even puts the smilies on the next line down.

It happens to me too....but only on NMS :cool:


I just changed format mode on the NMS reply box to prompt from basic

Solve your problem????:D

Actually no...it doesn't....but it actually makes sense to me that it works this way :D...never been on NMS with a PC...So I thought it was the website that did this

