View Full Version : So the Nintendo Wii.................

19th December 2006, 10:21 PM
........is at good as it looks? Anyone had a shot of one yet?

As a life long nintendo fan, it's always been annoying that not all the good games make it to nintendo and stay in the Xbox/PS camp - hopefully this will change with the Wii.

Now to wait 6 months till the price becomes a bit more realistic!!

19th December 2006, 11:19 PM
I've heard they are good, although Nintendo have re-called 200 of them for faults.
I'm with you about waiting until the price goes down!

19th December 2006, 11:23 PM
hmmm deja view... hmmm deja view :D

20th December 2006, 12:49 AM
GAME had some in yesterday, seriously thought about getting one, but then thought naa... I'm gonna hold out for Gran Turismo HD on the PS3!

Mark R
20th December 2006, 04:23 AM
Picked up one from Tesco in Galashiels last Wednesday. It's a lot of fun to play. If your looking for graphics then it's not really the console for you since it's not really "next gen" in that area. But of course it's all about gameplay and that's great on both the games I've played so far. Those being the included Wii Sports and Zelda.

21st December 2006, 06:53 AM
I'd like to get one to compliment the 360. As for the PS3 it's got no chance against either the xbox or the Wii, as has been proven by their opening weekend sales figures. Come on Nintendo! Just goes to show innovation is more important that graphical power. Also interesting to see that Sony announced motion sensors in their controller a few months after Nintendo disclosed it'd be a main feature of theirs.

Anyone seen the pictures of people's injuries from using the Wii controller?

Big Col
21st December 2006, 04:45 PM
I agree with KJ I think I might get a Wii to go alongside the 360 but I think Sony are struggling now, as is shown by most of the top game producers that originally said they were PS3 only have now started porting these games across to the 360.

How can you injure yourself using a the controller though?

21st December 2006, 05:23 PM
Hey Col - welcome back lad - finshed wrapping pressies for Santa then? ;)

It was in the paper yesterday that the wrist strap on the Wii controller has been recalled as it keeps flying off - there was a picture of an american lady with a beezer of a black eye after it whacked her in the napper! :eek:

21st December 2006, 05:27 PM

21st December 2006, 07:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit

I'd like to get one to compliment the 360.

Wii to 360 "Well hello big boy, your a sexy looking machine."
360 to Wii "Why, thank you madam!";)

Sorry, couldn't resist it. I know that you meant complement!:I

AndyP & Lenore
21st December 2006, 07:55 PM
Like MarkR, we Wii picked one up in Tesco in Gala yesterday. Now wrapped an under the tree.

But while we were buying it, the salesgirl couldn't help herself..... "Aye, you're lucky to get one, there's so few out there. Now you'll need to think of all the 8-year-olds on Christmas Morning, pouring with tears 'cos they didn't get a Wii, and there's you with yours."



Big Col
21st December 2006, 08:11 PM
How did she know it wasn't for an 8 year old?

How much are they going for anyway?

21st December 2006, 08:30 PM
I'm very tempted to get one after Christmas.
Think they're compatible with GameCube games, so there's no need for me to get rid of my games :D

And tough luck on the 8 Year old without one.
Here's a harsh lesson: Children are the future. I'm here right now. :eek:;)

22nd December 2006, 01:46 AM
Its a lotta foolishness, why on earth do people want to stand infront of a TV waving their arms around :question: When is that ever gonna be OK:question: I prefer to sit down with a beer and relax and enjoy gaming.

And the games are sh*te as well.

No, I am a Sony loyalist and the Playstation series will prevail.:)

22nd December 2006, 01:49 AM

AndyP & Lenore
22nd December 2006, 01:53 AM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic


LOL. In a kind of sad, sick way, that is funny.


AndyP & Lenore
22nd December 2006, 01:54 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
How did she know it wasn't for an 8 year old?

How much are they going for anyway?

She could probably tell by the way I was jumping up and down whooping and yelling "Yes! yes! yes!"

£179.99 I think. Includes Wii sports.


22nd December 2006, 02:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Its a lotta foolishness, why on earth do people want to stand infront of a TV waving their arms around :question: When is that ever gonna be OK:question: I prefer to sit down with a beer and relax and enjoy gaming.

And the games are sh*te as well.

No, I am a Sony loyalist and the Playstation series will prevail.:)

If you've never played them, how do you know they're no good?
Its different strokes for different folks, which just because you don't appreciate it, doesnt make it rubbish.

And do you sit perfectly still when playing games? Nah, bet you move about quite a bit - this is just an extention.

Nintendo aren't fools, they've been producing consoles and games long before Sony decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Mark R
22nd December 2006, 03:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by AndyP & Lenore

Like MarkR, we Wii picked one up in Tesco in Gala yesterday. Now wrapped an under the tree.

But while we were buying it, the salesgirl couldn't help herself..... "Aye, you're lucky to get one, there's so few out there. Now you'll need to think of all the 8-year-olds on Christmas Morning, pouring with tears 'cos they didn't get a Wii, and there's you with yours."



Have to say that I'd have a grin on my face if I was told that, perhaps even give a little chuckle. :D

Mark R
22nd December 2006, 03:40 AM
quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Its a lotta foolishness, why on earth do people want to stand infront of a TV waving their arms around :question: When is that ever gonna be OK:question: I prefer to sit down with a beer and relax and enjoy gaming.

And the games are sh*te as well.

No, I am a Sony loyalist and the Playstation series will prevail.:)

Have to say that I've just been sitting down and relaxing while playing Zelda. The movements you see on TV are very exaggerated. Of course you can play it that way if you want, but a lot of the games don't require as much movement as they suggest. Fair enough you can't play bowling sitting down but boxing works fine sitting down. :)

AndyP & Lenore
22nd December 2006, 04:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Its a lotta foolishness, why on earth do people want to stand infront of a TV waving their arms around :question: When is that ever gonna be OK:question: I prefer to sit down with a beer and relax and enjoy gaming.

And the games are sh*te as well.

No, I am a Sony loyalist and the Playstation series will prevail.:)

If you've never played them, how do you know they're no good?
Its different strokes for different folks, which just because you don't appreciate it, doesnt make it rubbish.

And do you sit perfectly still when playing games? Nah, bet you move about quite a bit - this is just an extention.

Nintendo aren't fools, they've been producing consoles and games long before Sony decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Yeah, what Duncan says!:approve:

Also, remember back in the days of the original Atari Game System <cough_not_that_I_am_old_enough_to_remember_that_c ough>:clown: you used to twist and move and lean the controller all over the place. never made any difference to what was happening on screen, but it made you feel better. Always done withe the required tongue licking the top lip.

A. :D

22nd December 2006, 07:34 AM
quote:Originally posted by duncan

quote:Originally posted by monkimagic

Its a lotta foolishness, why on earth do people want to stand infront of a TV waving their arms around :question: When is that ever gonna be OK:question: I prefer to sit down with a beer and relax and enjoy gaming.

And the games are sh*te as well.

No, I am a Sony loyalist and the Playstation series will prevail.:)

If you've never played them, how do you know they're no good?
Its different strokes for different folks, which just because you don't appreciate it, doesnt make it rubbish.

And do you sit perfectly still when playing games? Nah, bet you move about quite a bit - this is just an extention.

Nintendo aren't fools, they've been producing consoles and games long before Sony decided to jump on the bandwagon.

OOOOOOHHHHHH check you getting all Nintendoed.

If you guys wanna look like this chap while gaming, knock yourselves out, me...well I will just enjoy my sitting down gaming experience,


If I want to get up and swing a golf club, I will go outside to a golfcourse, same goes for tennis but of course I will go to a tennis cout for that and if I need to slay a dragon...well thats another :pstory ;)

22nd December 2006, 06:31 PM
This is what we were saying in the pub the other night - sports are great when played outdoors, but you can't actually use a lightsaber to wipe out the storm troopers (oh, how long will we have to wait for a star wars game!)

AndyP & Lenore
23rd December 2006, 03:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan

This is what we were saying in the pub the other night - sports are great when played outdoors, but you can't actually use a lightsaber to wipe out the storm troopers (oh, how long will we have to wait for a star wars game!)

OOOOOHHHHHHHhhhhh. Drools with anticipation.
