View Full Version : DID ANYBODYS MINI DROWN???

14th December 2006, 11:05 PM
Did anybody's MINI drown with the bad weather yesterday. I was very impressed how my MINI stood up against the floods that i had to take it through last night considersing how low the car sits now with the lowered suspension.

I had absolutley no problems although there were a few scary moments when i didn't think i would make it. The Bridge Of Weir/Houston areas were hit badly with roads turning rivers.I must have passed at least 25 cars abandoned due to flooded engines.

Respect to the MINI!!!


The Dogfather
15th December 2006, 12:30 AM
It was dry here :eek:

15th December 2006, 12:49 AM
Yeah, it was mad I had to come home from Glasgow via Greenock because Bridge of weir was completely blocked.

Where they unblocked one of the drains (opp. Logan's) they've found everyone's lost number plates so they're all lined up against the wall at the side of the road!

Apparently therewas a brand new 5 series being pushed along by its (unfortunate) owner too. There have been numerous crashes on BoW road due to the rain and flooding too.

15th December 2006, 12:50 AM
I did used to go out with a girl whose Mini drowned tho but that was ages ago.

15th December 2006, 12:52 AM
I was paddling around between kilmacolm and Port Glasgow on the way home last nite about 8 / 8.30 - not nice at all - once it was up to the lights under water!!!:-o!! made it through ok tho - i think partly to do with the induction kit - that way water wasn't shoved into the airbox


james f
15th December 2006, 12:54 AM
yeah im glad of mu induction kit otherwsie minis should come with a snorkel :p

15th December 2006, 02:15 AM
scott from menzies here guys. be very careful with this weather we have had minis in today needing new engines as the water was getting sucked through the air filters and drownin the wee cars!!!!! if you see a big puddle dont chance it, this was petrol and diesels

15th December 2006, 02:27 AM
don't know about mini drowning but the other half did put here VW polo into the river behind my house :disapprove:

15th December 2006, 03:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by miniman06

scott from menzies here guys. be very careful with this weather we have had minis in today needing new engines as the water was getting sucked through the air filters and drownin the wee cars!!!!! if you see a big puddle dont chance it, this was petrol and diesels

Looks like a lot of us have been lucky then!!! Phew....


15th December 2006, 08:03 AM
No drowning as yet but that M8 between Paisley & the Erskine Bridge is pure pi$h :mad: , morning & evening :(

15th December 2006, 08:05 AM
Oh and another thing , 17'Run Flats are 'interesting' this time of year :p

15th December 2006, 08:21 AM
Damn right they are, major tramlining between hillington and the clyde tunnel cut off. Cant wait to get my new brakes, metal on metal in the wet isn't funny but I've been driving the Coop since it's been wet cos of the brakes thing so no biggie.

The other night there was a bit on the A737 between Linwood and the St James interchange where the water went right from the inside lane to part of the way into the outside lane....good thing it was quiet.

Duncan Stewart
15th December 2006, 05:17 PM
No problem in my Cooper - went great in the rivers roads around here in Fife the last few days :approve: :D
But dodging lots of big puddles and broken down cars in the dark on county roads was not fun :(

15th December 2006, 05:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by AeroJonny

Damn right they are, major tramlining between hillington and the clyde tunnel cut off. Cant wait to get my new brakes, metal on metal in the wet isn't funny but I've been driving the Coop since it's been wet cos of the brakes thing so no biggie.

The other night there was a bit on the A737 between Linwood and the St James interchange where the water went right from the inside lane to part of the way into the outside lane....good thing it was quiet.

I have noticed that tramlining between Hillington and the Clyde Tunnel cut off aswell, it can be a bit daunting at times especially if going at any sort of higher speed. The car is all over the place trying to keep it on the road.
