View Full Version : TomTom One v2

13th December 2006, 04:22 AM
Anyone got one? Opinions?

AndyP & Lenore
13th December 2006, 04:46 AM
Father in law has a Go 300. He loves it. He still gets lost:clown:, but he loves it all the same.;)


13th December 2006, 05:00 AM
i reckon insurance will go up because of them :) there is getting alot of claim on insurance due to people looking at the screen and not the road 8)

13th December 2006, 08:39 AM
quote: PACMAN Posted - 12 Dec 2006 : 20:00:55
i reckon insurance will go up because of them there is getting alot of claim on insurance due to people looking at the screen and not the road

I agree. I used my dads one while down in Glasgow and found myself wandering into other lanes and nearly going into the back of cars, etc.
Nothing beets a good old fashioned road map though. ;);):D

13th December 2006, 10:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by asuds86

quote: PACMAN Posted - 12 Dec 2006 : 20:00:55
i reckon insurance will go up because of them there is getting alot of claim on insurance due to people looking at the screen and not the road

I agree. I used my dads one while down in Glasgow and found myself wandering into other lanes and nearly going into the back of cars, etc.
Nothing beets a good old fashioned road map though. ;);):D

Mmmm! - Male, young, Brocher....... nae muckle chance o' learning tae multi-task then....;)
Use mine all the time, nae bother. Couldn't do a' thoot it! Dont recommend the One tho' better try other model. Went through three of them at four weekly intervals due to screen dying. No problems at all with 300. Lot safer glimpsing at a well positioned screen than peering at a road map. :D:D:D

13th December 2006, 10:52 PM
Jeez.. whatever happened to finding out where you're going FIRST and working out your route?
That way you'd remember how to get tere the next time... ;):p

14th December 2006, 02:23 AM
I've used a Panasonic one, it's a useful tool but ended up taking me down the wrong road which was just about wide enough for the car! used the map from then on.

They can be useful, but I don't see the need for them all the time. What I found really good was the other info bits, I found petrol stations I never knew existed because it showed them on the map!

14th December 2006, 03:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Jeez.. whatever happened to finding out where you're going FIRST and working out your route?
That way you'd remember how to get tere the next time... ;):p

Exactamundo :approve:

Foxy Mini
14th December 2006, 04:52 AM
I've the new Europe version of the TomTom ONE. It rules. Very slim and compact, easy to use, and all the great features of a TT. Love it.

14th December 2006, 05:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by euan

I've used a Panasonic one, it's a useful tool but ended up taking me down the wrong road


It wasn't a "wrong road"...it was simply an alternate route...OK one you didn't want to use....but not wrong. ;)

Thing is about GPS...you are supposed to listen to them...not look at them. That being said…A quick glance does help.

I have a ATX PC buried into the dash of my van running XP…and a 7” touch screen. I use software called MapMonkey running Destinator maps. It’s much easier to glance at than Kim’s Garmin i3 with tiny screen. I built this into my van when GPS was very expensive. Have a look at www.mp3car.com there are endless option for using a computer in a vehicle. The option are less I think for a MINI....not a lot of space to inbed a 7" screen.

I like keeping an eye on the 3D map…gives you and idea of what way the road ahead is going to turn…and if there are junctions ahead. Also an up to date speed camera database helps you save your licence. My software even tells you about mobile speed traps. i.e. where the police stand with guns…or camera vans.

I like GPS


14th December 2006, 06:45 PM
Can we keep this on topic please? I'm looking for opinions on the TT One V2, not a debate on the merits of GPS.

Thanks for your input Foxy!:)